A Revolutionary Approach to Personal Communications
The traditional approach to personal communication skills training focused on presentation skills for the non-sales executive and selling skills for the sales force. Some exercises were video taped, others were not. There was a heavy concentration on organization and detailed discussions regarding the design and use of visual aids, handling questions and objections and no follow-up program to maintain the skills learned.
Missing from this was the understanding of how to be a better personal communicator, team player, contributor, a "fit." This is what makes our approach revolutionary. We teach all the skills and we have a program to sustain the skills learned.
The Behavioral Assessments are the key to this training. "Knowing yourself is learned, knowing others is wisdom", a quote from Chinese Philosopher Leo Tzu. The behavioral style assessments show us how we approach problems and react to certain behaviors of others. It does not measure intelligence or skills and it is not a measure of education or training. It is a universal language that when learned allows individuals to communicate on a higher level.
Call us @ (603) 433-6866 for a free assessment.